
1 lesson / week, billed monthly

Private Music Lesson

Tuesdays weekly at 3:00pm for 30 min. with Noah R
Month to month

Noah is a member of the last graduating class of Moravian College, the Class of 2021. Completing a Bachelor of Arts in Audio Recording and Technology, he currently works for ArtsQuest on the production team as a live sound engineer. During his time at Moravian he studied jazz and classical guitar under Tom Kozic and John Arnold respectively. He also studied trumpet under Anthony Desantis. Additionally, he was involved with choir, marching band, wind ensemble, improv ensemble, guitar ensemble, jazz combos and BIG Band. Having played in various ensembles ranging from orchestras to indie rock bands, this lad is committed to helping others learn the fundamentals of music while keeping a strong emphasis on self expression, experimentation, and above all: having fun.

When he is not engulfed in music or audio related activities this lad enjoys the simple pleasures of biking, bowling, cooking, manga, poetry, literature, vinyl and good company.

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